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The Truth About Vaginal Infection

Learn how proper hygiene and some natural remedies can help save your vaginal health from the clutches of infection.
Case #: 1536

What would you say if I told you that sometimes the color of my discharge has a slightly greenish color? Would you say that this is really bad or that I shouldn't be stressing myself out so much? I have been stressing a lot lately. It doesn't even have a pleasant smell to it but it is not a bad smell either.

Our bodies have this great way of letting us know when something is wrong. When we experience chest pains, it's usually our body's way of telling us we are stressed out and need to clam down. And as women, when our vaginal discharge takes a technicolor hue, it typically means there is an infection.
Questionable Discharge

Normal vaginal health conditions dictate that the vagina will usually maintain a balanced level of secretion that promotes keeping it moist. A noticeable increase in our vaginal discharge will take place during sexual activity, masturbation, excitement, and anxiety. However, if you experience high volumes of vaginal discharge during the “off-time,” there could be a problem.
Vaginal Infection

Typically, I warn every woman who's noticed a change in their discharge to be wary of the cause. Any time the color has changed, or the smell has gone foul it send up a red flag for infection. Luckily, most of the vaginal infections associated with odd odors and greenish discharge are treatable...If they are treated within a reasonable time frame.
I would definitely schedule an appointment with your OBGYN about your current situation. Though it may seem embarrassing now, nothing will make you redder in the face than knowing you could have fixed the problem before it escalated to a more pressing matter.
Proper Care

Simple things like a normal vaginal hygiene regimen can help greatly in the continued prevention of questionable vaginal discharge. It is important to be sure that all soap has been rinsed from your outer genital area after you've showered. Also, you should only wipe from front to back after using the toilet. This will help to avoid transferring any fecal bacteria to your vagina.
It is especially imperative that you use a male latex condom while being treated for vaginal infections to help avoid spreading the infection to sexual partners. I would also suggest sticking to cotton underwear for the time being and to do away with wearing underwear to bed, as yeast basically feeds off of moist environments.
Herbal Intervention

Once you've talked to your doctor about the problem, there are also some great herbal remedies out there that will help to prevent a situation like this from ever springing up again. Herbs such as Mexican Wild Yam, Safflower, Dong Quia, Mucuna Pruriens, and Paeonia Lactiflora are great vaginal rejuvenators. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Vaginal Detox & Restoration) Together they will work to help the liver expel toxic matter from the body. They will also increase blood circulation and make great improvements upon the transportation of hormone metabolites that travel from the uterus and cervix.

What to do

VRD Formula I - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Abnormal Discharge

Birth control pills and prescription drugs have a detrimental impact on a women’s sexual health. Herbs in this formula can reverse the damage caused by birth control medications, OTC drugs, and prescription drugs. Herbs and essential minerals such...

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